OPEN CALL | Beyond Front@ programs


Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery

7th-13th October 2023, Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania


???? BEHIND THE CURTAIN is a series of programs which has its main goal in the development of an international network and know-how of cultural managers and dance management experts. The program consists of 3 three main activities: 1. OFFLINE WORKSHOP in October 2023, in Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania, 2. 10 ONLINE MASTERCLASSES in the period of NOVEMBER 2023 – MAY 2024 and 3. A JOBSHADOWING for 2 selected participants of the offline workshop.

1. THE OFFLINE WORKSHOP will take place at M Studio’s headquarters, in Sfantu Gheorghe and it will give the participants the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of cultural management theory and practice. The workshop establishes the joint knowledge base as well as those personal connections that will contribute to the creation of a sustainable network among participants and experts.

2. ONLINE MASTERCALSSES: 10 online masterclasses will take place during the period of NOVEMBER 2023 – MAY 2024.  The online masterclasses will give the participants the opportunity to acquire complex professional and practical knowledge connected to cultural management, production of dance performances, funding-opportunities, touring, international relations and management-strategies.

3. 2 PARTICIPANTS of the OFFLINE WORKSHOP will be selected for a JOBSHADOWING, to participate and to get involved in 2 international dance festivals: Monodance Festival in Budapest (Hungary), hosted by Central Europe Dance Theatre and FLOW5 International Dance Festival in Sfantu Gheorghe (Romania) hosted by M Studio. The 2 participants will have the opportunity to put into practice the theoretical framework and know-how acquired during the professional workshops and provide expertise in the implementation and organization of these two events.

The project is carried out within the framework of Beyond Front@: Bridging Periphery which is a Creative Europe project (2023-2026) created by Central Europe Dance Theatre – CEDT (Hungary), Bunker (Slovenia), Croatian Institute for Movement and Dance - HIPP (Croatia), Krakow Dance Theatre (Poland), M Studio (Romania) and Vitlycke - Centre for Performing Arts (Sweden) to foster local development of the contemporary dance fields.


Who is the Behind the curtain for?

Emerging dance professionals, cultural managers, dancers, choreographers, producers and promoters, individuals operating in the field of performing arts.

We invite people from Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Sweden to apply.


????Time and place

1. Offline workshop:

7th Oct 2023 – arrival in Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania

8th -12th Oct 2023 – offline workshop

13th Oct 2023 – departure

Place: M Studio, Sfantu Gheorghe, Romania


2. Online masterclasses:

November 2023-May 2024


3. Jobshadowing:

● April 2024, Budapest - Hungary, Monodance Festival

● June 2024, Sfantu Gheorghe – Romania, Flow5 Festival


????What do we provide?

M Studio provides:

● accommodation for six nights

● catering during the stay

● travel costs to and from Sfantu Gheorghe are covered in the amount of 150 EUR / person

● After the offline workshop in Sfantu Gheorghe, a stipendium for the jobshadowing in Budapest at CEDT and in Sfantu Gheorghe at M Studio will be offered to 2 selected participants in the amount of €2000 each.


????Mentors of the offline workshop

● Gyuri Szabó (manager of Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, HU)

● Mirna Zagar (artistic director of Dance Week Festival Zagreb, HR)

● Simona Deaconescu (choreographer and artistic director of Tangaj Collective, founder of BIDFF – Bucharest International Dance Film Festival, RO)


???? How to apply?

You can apply by sending an email to containing the following information:

● CV containing information about educational background and professional experience;

● Short motivation letter about why do you want to take part in the program, how could Behind the curtain improve your career and what is your level of engagement (note that only applicants who can take part in the offline workshop and all the online masterclasses will be considered for selection)


????Deadline of application: 28th August.

We will announce the results of the open call by 10th September.

If you have any further questions, please write to